
Unlocking the Power of Audience Targeting


Unlocking the Power of Audience Targeting

In today's digital age, reaching the right audience is essential for advertisers to make their ad campaigns successful. Our Audience app helps advertisers achieve their marketing goals by allowing them to create various audiences to reach the right set of people. Here are the key features of our Audience app.

Matched Audience

Upload CRM or offline user details and target them on their digirtal identities

Advertisers can upload their CRM or offline data and create a matched audience that can be targeted across various devices and ad formats.

  • Upload your CRM or offline data for targeting.

  • Create a matched audience for effective targeting.

  • Reach your target audience across various devices and ad formats.

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Matched Audience

Segmented Audience

Choose curated audience segments or make you own custom audience segment

Advertisers can create an audience from our curated audience segments or create their own audience from thousands of custome attributes. This feature enables advertisers to target users based on their interests, behaviors, demographics, and other characteristics.

  • Target users based on their interests, behaviors, demographics, and more.

  • Choose from our curated audience segments.

  • Create your own audience segments.

  • Reach the right people with your message.

Segmented Audience

Top apps work with Audiences

Retargeted Audience

Retarget website visitors with relevant ads

Advertisers can create an audience of users who have visited their website, and retarget them with relevant ads. This feature helps advertisers reach users who have already shown interest in their brand.

  • Create an audience of website visitors.

  • Retarget users who have already shown interest in their brand.

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Retargeted Audience

Lookalike Audience

Expand your reach with lookalike audiences

Advertisers can reach new users with similar characteristics and behavior as their existing audience. This feature helps advertisers expand their reach and target new potential customers.

  • Reach new potential customers

  • Expand your audience beyond your current customer base

  • Target users with similar characteristics and behaviors

  • Increase the likelihood of finding interested and engaged users

Lookalike Audience

Contextual Audience

Target relevant audiences based on conline ontent consumption

Advertisers can create an audience of users based on the content they consume by matching keywords or URLs of the website page. This feature enables advertisers to target users who are consuming content relevant to their brand.

  • Create audience based on keywords or URLs of website pages.

  • Reach users consuming relevant content

  • Target audience interested in specific topics or products.

  • Improve relevance of ads for better performance.

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Geofarmed Audience

Reach users based on their location visitation behavior

Advertisers can create an audience of users based on their location visitation behavior. This feature allows advertisers to target users who have visited specific locations like their stores or competitors' stores.

  • Target users who have visited specific locations like your stores or competitors' stores

  • Customize ad messages to users based on their visitation behavior

  • Expand the reach of your advertising campaigns to potential customers who are more likely to visit your store

Geofarmed Audience

Campaign Audience

Reach users who shown interest in previous campaigns

Advertisers can create an audience and re-engage with users who have shown interest in their past ad campaigns. This feature helps advertisers to retarget users who have been served impressions, who have clicked or converted in your past ad campaigns.

  • Re-engage with users who have shown interest in your previous ad campaigns

  • Target users based on your past ad campaigns.

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Campaign Audience

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