
TradeSpotting is a Paris-based marketing and advertising company specializing in real-time bidding and performance marketing. They utilize cutting-edge technology to create intelligent digital campaigns targeting relevant audiences and meeting key performance indicators. With a transversal agency model, TradeSpotting combines strategic intelligence, creative capabilities, and reliable execution.Claim this workspace
Claim this workspaceTradeSpotting is a Paris-based marketing and advertising company specializing in real-time bidding and performance marketing. They utilize cutting-edge technology to create intelligent digital campaigns targeting relevant audiences and meeting key performance indicators. With a transversal agency model, TradeSpotting combines strategic intelligence, creative capabilities, and reliable execution.

Company Address

9B Rue Auguste Barbier

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marketing & advertising

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About Company

TradeSpotting is a rapidly growing company specializing in innovative technological solutions for the finance and investment industries. Their primary focus is creating powerful, data-driven tools that simplify and improve the asset management process. With their cutting-edge technology and advanced analytics, they are dedicated to helping investment professionals make better and more informed decisions related to their portfolios. The company prides itself on having a team of professionals with deep expertise in both finance and technology, which enables them to understand the challenges faced by investment managers and respond with bespoke solutions designed to meet their needs. TradeSpotting's products and services are tailored to support varying investment strategies, from equities to fixed income, and even alternative investments. In addition to providing high-quality, data-driven tools, TradeSpotting also offers excellent customer service. They are committed to working closely with their clients to ensure they achieve optimal results and maximize the benefits of using their services. As they continue to grow and develop their product offering, TradeSpotting aims to become a leader in the financial technology space. With their dedication to innovation and focus on meeting the needs of investment professionals, the company is well-positioned to achieve this goal and make a significant impact in the finance and investment industries.