
Eskimi is a full-stack programmatic advertising platform based in Vilnius, Lithuania, serving over 1.5 billion profiled users worldwide. The platform offers unique rich media creatives, advanced targeting, in-game advertising, and premium ad-ops services to enhance brand awareness, reach, and engagement.Claim this workspace
Claim this workspaceEskimi is a full-stack programmatic advertising platform based in Vilnius, Lithuania, serving over 1.5 billion profiled users worldwide. The platform offers unique rich media creatives, advanced targeting, in-game advertising, and premium ad-ops services to enhance brand awareness, reach, and engagement.

Company Address

15 Saulėtekio alėja
Vilnius County

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marketing & advertising

Founding year





$ 10M

About Company

Eskimi is a global programmatic advertising platform with a heavy focus on emerging markets in Africa and Asia. Founded in 2010 and headquartered in Vilnius, Lithuania, the company aims to provide businesses with innovative solutions for growth through the power of programmatic advertising and data-driven marketing techniques. Eskimi's full suite of digital advertising solutions includes a DSP (Demand-Side Platform), DMP (Data Management Platform), and data services. With a strong presence in regions such as Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, and Bangladesh, Eskimi has become a trusted partner for advertisers and agencies looking to reach audiences in some of the fastest-growing countries across the globe. It also has local teams in more than 20 countries, providing tailored support and insights to clients in their preferred languages. As of February 2022, Eskimi's LinkedIn page shows that the company has over 500 employees working together to deliver high-quality programmatic advertising experiences to their clients. They serve a diverse client base, including top brands like Unilever, Coca-Cola, and Samsung, as well as local companies seeking to expand their reach through targeted advertising campaigns. Eskimi is dedicated to constant innovation, evolving their platform for better performance and scalability, and offering new ad formats and targeting options to ensure clients stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing digital advertising landscape.