TVRx is a marketing and advertising company based in New York City, specializing in pharmaceutical and health-focused campaigns across television and digital video. The company partners with Everyday Health and Videology to deliver targeted, efficient video campaigns and valuable audience insights.Claim this workspace
Claim this workspaceTVRx is a marketing and advertising company based in New York City, specializing in pharmaceutical and health-focused campaigns across television and digital video. The company partners with Everyday Health and Videology to deliver targeted, efficient video campaigns and valuable audience insights.

Company Address

345 Hudson Street
New York
United States

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marketing & advertising

Founding year






About Company

TVRx is a fast-growing, innovative company focused on revolutionizing the media and entertainment industry. Specializing in TV data analysis and analytics solutions, they help clients gain valuable insights into their audience's behavior and preferences. Comprised of a diverse team of talented professionals, TVRx brings a wealth of experience from various fields including media, technology, and data science. Their passion for transforming the TV landscape drives them to develop cutting-edge products and services for media companies, advertisers, and broadcasters. Their core offerings include comprehensive TV analytics, custom data solutions, and machine learning applications designed to optimize marketing and advertising strategies. By leveraging their expertise in data processing and analysis, TVRx delivers actionable insights that empower clients to make data-driven decisions and improve audience targeting. TVRx's commitment to innovation has earned them recognition within the industry and helped build lasting partnerships with leading media companies. Their dedication to customer success ensures that clients receive top-notch support, assistance, and guidance throughout their journey with the company. Focused on creating a future that reshapes the way the world experiences television, TVRx is constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible in media analytics and remains at the forefront of the TV data revolution. Their vision is to enrich the lives of viewers and continue to drive the industry forward.