
Legacy is a London-based marketing and advertising company focused on supporting businesses with sustainable and societal impact goals. They provide guidance on ESG indexing, Product Impact Frameworks, and help improve PIF scores to attract future investments in the global media industry.Claim this workspace
Claim this workspaceLegacy is a London-based marketing and advertising company focused on supporting businesses with sustainable and societal impact goals. They provide guidance on ESG indexing, Product Impact Frameworks, and help improve PIF scores to attract future investments in the global media industry.

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marketing & advertising

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Legacy International is a non-profit organization that focuses on professional development, civic leadership, and social entrepreneurship. They aim to develop, promote, and support diverse initiatives that empower people to create positive change in their communities. Established in 1979, the organization boasts over four decades of experience in fostering global partnerships and creating impactful programs. Legacy International's programs are divided into several categories, including Global Youth Village, LivingSideByTextSide™, Professional Fellows Program, and Middle East and North Africa programs. These initiatives cater to various age groups and sectors, targeting professionals, students, community leaders, and educators. Their Global Youth Village is a unique residential camp that provides participants with a dynamic, cross-cultural experience, engaging them in leadership activities, arts, sports, and environmental stewardship. The LivingSideByTextSide™ initiative is geared towards preventing violent extremism and promoting peace and social cohesion through art-based projects, while the Professional Fellows Program aims to enhance the skills and networks of emerging leaders in North Africa and the Middle East. In their mission to promote professional growth, community involvement, and overall transformation, Legacy International has worked in over 110 countries, engaging more than 500,000 individuals in their programs, training, and workshops. By offering these opportunities, the organization helps people build their capacity and leadership skills, ultimately working towards a more inclusive and sustainable future for all.