Prime Data

Prime Data is a marketing technology company based in Aurora, Ontario, Canada, specializing in data-driven marketing and advertising solutions. They offer services such as data hygiene, segmenting, analytics, and variable digital printing. Their corporate culture focuses on employee engagement, constant improvement, and delivering effective results for clients.Claim this workspace
Claim this workspacePrime Data is a marketing technology company based in Aurora, Ontario, Canada, specializing in data-driven marketing and advertising solutions. They offer services such as data hygiene, segmenting, analytics, and variable digital printing. Their corporate culture focuses on employee engagement, constant improvement, and delivering effective results for clients.

Company Address

180 Industrial Pkwy N
L4G 4C3

Company Profile


marketing & advertising

Founding year





$ 1M

About Company

Prime Data is a well-established company specializing in providing data-driven marketing solutions and services. Their main focus is to help businesses improve customer engagement, acquisition, and retention through the effective use of data analytics and insights. The company offers an extensive range of products and services, including data analytics, customer segmentation, marketing technology consulting, predictive modeling, and campaign management. These offerings enable businesses to make data-driven decisions for targeted marketing efforts, resulting in better customer experiences and increased brand loyalty. Prime Data takes pride in its team of experienced professionals, who come from diverse backgrounds in data science, information technology, marketing, and business management. The team works closely with clients to develop and implement innovative and data-driven marketing strategies that drive growth and strengthen competitive edge. Apart from their expertise, the company is also committed to upholding data security, privacy, and compliance standards, ensuring clients can trust them with their sensitive and proprietary information. With its results-focused approach and strong industry expertise, Prime Data has established itself as a reliable partner for businesses across various sectors, including financial services, healthcare, retail, telecommunications, and more. The company's dedication to customer success and their ability to translate complex data insights into actionable strategies make them a go-to choice for organizations seeking data-driven marketing solutions.