TAG Outdoor

TAG Outdoor is a marketing and advertising company based in The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands. They specialize in reaching target audiences through a combination of regular and programmatic buying strategies across various locations. Their services cover outdoor advertising in high-traffic areas, including highways, shopping centers, parking lots, and more in the Netherlands and Belgium.Claim this workspace
Claim this workspaceTAG Outdoor is a marketing and advertising company based in The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands. They specialize in reaching target audiences through a combination of regular and programmatic buying strategies across various locations. Their services cover outdoor advertising in high-traffic areas, including highways, shopping centers, parking lots, and more in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Company Address

South Holland

Company Profile


marketing & advertising

Founding year






About Company

TAG Outdoor is a specialized advertising company focused on providing high-quality outdoor and out-of-home media solutions. Established in 2018, the company is headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel, and operates primarily within the country. Its co-founder and CEO is Eran Adato, an experienced entrepreneur with a background in digital media, marketing, and advertising. TAG Outdoor offers a wide array of innovative advertising services for businesses seeking to increase their brand visibility and reach their target audience in the physical world. These services include billboard advertising, street furniture advertising, digital screens, and other engaging out-of-home media formats. The company's main objective is to provide its clients with creative, tailored, and efficient marketing solutions that maximize their return on investment (ROI) while ensuring a positive impact on the target audience. In order to deliver exceptional results, TAG Outdoor combines its marketing expertise with cutting-edge technology, such as data-driven metrics, geo-targeting, and real-time analytics. This enables the company to strategically plan and optimize ad placements for higher engagement and better audience conversion. TAG Outdoor works with a diverse set of clients, ranging from small businesses to large, well-established corporations. They take pride in their ability to meet the unique needs of each customer and continuously strive to remain at the forefront of the outdoor advertising industry.