Search Optics - Intelligent Retail

Search Optics - Intelligent Retail is a digital marketing firm based in Ferndale, Michigan, USA, specializing in customized, integrated solutions for various industries. The company offers a range of services such as SEO, paid search, and content marketing, driven by its award-winning technology. Founded in 1998, it has become a leader in turning virtual traffic into measurable results.Claim this workspace
Claim this workspaceSearch Optics - Intelligent Retail is a digital marketing firm based in Ferndale, Michigan, USA, specializing in customized, integrated solutions for various industries. The company offers a range of services such as SEO, paid search, and content marketing, driven by its award-winning technology. Founded in 1998, it has become a leader in turning virtual traffic into measurable results.

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United States

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marketing & advertising

Founding year





$ 23.08M

About Company

Search Optics - Intelligent Retail is a technology company that specializes in providing outcome-based retail solutions designed to help businesses reach their target market and improve customer engagement. Leveraging advanced data analytics and technology, they offer a comprehensive suite of services which includes web platform development, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) management, social media management, online reputation management, and marketing automation. Headquartered in Ferndale, MI, Search Optics - Intelligent Retail is committed to delivering customized solutions that cater to the unique needs of their clients, resulting in a significantly increased return on investment (ROI). Their team of seasoned professionals boasts extensive industry experience, enabling them to provide unparalleled digital marketing services tailored to the automotive, retail, and hospitality industries, among others. Their LinkedIn profile, available at, showcases their commitment to providing top-notch retail solutions, and offers insights into their company culture, values, and updates on their latest projects and achievements. By following their LinkedIn page, individuals and businesses can stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the fast-paced world of digital marketing, while also connecting with the company's team of experts to explore potential collaboration opportunities and learn more about their innovative solutions.