
Trendlix is a digital marketing and advertising agency based in Cairo, Egypt. The company specializes in crafting complete brand experiences with a creative team. They serve clients across various industries in Cairo Governorate.Claim this workspace
Claim this workspaceTrendlix is a digital marketing and advertising agency based in Cairo, Egypt. The company specializes in crafting complete brand experiences with a creative team. They serve clients across various industries in Cairo Governorate.

Company Address

Cairo Governorate

Company Profile


marketing & advertising

Founding year






About Company

Trendlix is a dynamic and innovative company that specializes in providing cutting-edge technological solutions to its clients. Through its comprehensive expertise in various industrial domains, the company is able to seamlessly integrate advanced technology to address the unique challenges its clients face. The company takes pride in delivering transformative services and products, driven by the shared passion and relentless commitment of its talented and experienced team members. By constantly researching and adopting the latest technologies, Trendslix ensures that its clients stay competitive and at the forefront of their industries. Some of the core capabilities of the company include software development, data analytics, cloud computing, and mobile applications. Its diverse portfolio highlights the company's competency in tackling a range of business challenges across sectors, from startups to established enterprises. In addition to its focus on delivering exceptional services and products, Trendlix is also committed to fostering a strong organizational culture that values collaboration, creativity, and professional growth. This nurturing environment empowers employees to hone their skills, exceed expectations, and contribute to the company's mission of exceeding client expectations. In summary, Trendlix is a forward-looking company harnessing cutting-edge technologies to deliver industry-leading solutions and services, backed by a team of driven and skilled professionals dedicated to helping clients thrive in a competitive market.