Red Apple Creative

Red Apple Creative is a London-based marketing and advertising company specializing in audio. They offer services such as Audio Brand Identities, Spotify and Radio Creative, Podcasts, Audiobooks, Workshops, and Audio Immersion Experiences. Clients include Spotify, Audible, BBC, and the IAB.Claim this workspace
Claim this workspaceRed Apple Creative is a London-based marketing and advertising company specializing in audio. They offer services such as Audio Brand Identities, Spotify and Radio Creative, Podcasts, Audiobooks, Workshops, and Audio Immersion Experiences. Clients include Spotify, Audible, BBC, and the IAB.

Company Address

Midford Place
United Kingdom
W1T 5

Company Profile


marketing & advertising

Founding year






About Company

Red Apple Creative is a multi-award-winning content and digital media company known for its passion for audio and expertise in creative problem solving. Founded in 2008, the company is headquartered in London, United Kingdom, and has a talented team of audio specialists, producers, writers, and developers. The company offers a wide range of services, including audio and video production, the creation of podcasts, radio advertising, programmatic audio, digital OOH advertising, branded content, and bespoke audio experiences. Their solutions are innovative, engaging, and strive to make a meaningful connection with their clients' target audience. Red Apple Creative is committed to crafting unique and memorable audio experiences for brands, businesses, and agencies, both large and small. They take pride in their ability to combine technology and creativity to produce remarkable results. Their core values include an obsession for audio, being agile and adaptable, and investing in strong partnerships with their clients, which have led to a notable client list that includes Google, Spotify, Twitter, Reebok, and more. The company's ever-evolving approach to advertising and media enables them to adapt to the rapidly changing digital landscape and consistently deliver high-quality, captivating content that resonates with audiences worldwide.