MJR Creative Group

MJR Creative Group is a marketing and advertising agency based in Fresno, California, specializing in the food, wine, and agriculture industries. Established in 1995, they serve clients locally and globally, providing services for growers, marketers, processors, and businesses supporting the agri-food sector. Their award-winning team offers a range of services including design, web programming, and marketing strategies.Claim this workspace
Claim this workspaceMJR Creative Group is a marketing and advertising agency based in Fresno, California, specializing in the food, wine, and agriculture industries. Established in 1995, they serve clients locally and globally, providing services for growers, marketers, processors, and businesses supporting the agri-food sector. Their award-winning team offers a range of services including design, web programming, and marketing strategies.

Company Address

1114 N Fulton St
United States

Company Profile


marketing & advertising

Founding year





$ 6M

About Company

MJR Creative Group is a marketing and communications agency specializing in helping healthcare, wellness, and lifestyle brands achieve their goals. With a unique combination of strategic thinking, creative problem solving, and a people-driven approach, they provide a wide range of services, including brand development, content strategy, public relations, social media, and digital marketing. As a full-service agency, MJR Creative Group works closely with their clients to understand their needs and tailor campaigns and projects to resonate with their target audiences. They offer expertise in brand strategy and tactical implementation to help clients improve brand awareness, stand out in crowded markets, and drive meaningful results. The team at MJR Creative Group is staffed by experienced professionals from various backgrounds, including journalism, design, photography, digital media, and healthcare. Together, they bring a diverse skillset and fresh perspectives to their clients' projects. Throughout their work, the agency emphasizes collaboration and maintains strong partnerships with their clients. Rated highly by clients and industry peers, MJR Creative Group has been celebrated for their creative, strategic, and results-driven work. Their client roster includes a mix of start-ups, established brands, nonprofits, and agencies spanning the healthcare, wellness, and lifestyle sectors. By staying ahead of industry trends and delivering impactful work, they continue to help their clients achieve success.