Chocolate Platform

Chocolate Platform is a global leader in programmatic digital video advertising based in San Francisco, California. They offer the world's first video SSP with 100% server-side auctions and connect premium brands with publishers across 7700+ websites and apps. The venture-backed company operates in the marketing and advertising industry with a strong presence in the United States and India.Claim this workspace
Claim this workspaceChocolate Platform is a global leader in programmatic digital video advertising based in San Francisco, California. They offer the world's first video SSP with 100% server-side auctions and connect premium brands with publishers across 7700+ websites and apps. The venture-backed company operates in the marketing and advertising industry with a strong presence in the United States and India.

Company Address

2443 Fillmore St
United States

Company Profile


marketing & advertising

Founding year





$ 12.50M

About Company

Chocolate Platform is a programmatic advertising firm specializing in mobile video advertising solutions, with its headquarters located in Fremont, California. Established in 2012, the company focuses on delivering premium in-app and mobile web video ads by connecting advertisers to high-quality app publishers and media companies. Chocolate Platform's suite of products includes the Chocolate SSP (Supply Side Platform), Chocolate Exchange, Chocolate Ad Mediation, and Chocolate Marketplace. This comprehensive ecosystem enables app developers and publishers to maximize their ad revenue while maintaining a seamless user experience. Advertisers, on the other hand, can benefit from the platform's advanced targeting capabilities, ensuring that their brands reach the right audience at the right time. The company's mission is to create a transparent and efficient mobile ad marketplace that benefits both advertisers and publishers. With over 18,000 app developers and over 150 DSPs (Demand Side Platforms) and ad networks in their ecosystem, Chocolate Platform has been able to provide global ad inventory while maintaining a 95% average fill rate. Chocolate Platform has a diverse team of industry professionals with years of experience in ad tech, mobile, and online advertising. Their expertise enables them to drive innovation in the constantly evolving mobile advertising landscape. You can learn more about Chocolate Platform by visiting their LinkedIn profile at