Nano Interactive

Nano Interactive is a privacy-first marketing and advertising company based in London, England. They specialize in AI-driven ad targeting without cookies or personal identifiers, and optimize campaign outcomes using machine learning. The company has over 60 employees across locations in the UK, Germany, US, and Serbia.Claim this workspace
Claim this workspaceNano Interactive is a privacy-first marketing and advertising company based in London, England. They specialize in AI-driven ad targeting without cookies or personal identifiers, and optimize campaign outcomes using machine learning. The company has over 60 employees across locations in the UK, Germany, US, and Serbia.

Company Address

15 Rathbone Place
United Kingdom

Company Profile


marketing & advertising

Founding year





$ 2.40M

About Company

Nano Interactive is a leading global advertising technology company that specializes in search-intent targeting. Founded in 2014, the company is headquartered in Starnberg, Germany, with offices in the United Kingdom, France, and Serbia. Nano Interactive focuses on providing advertising solutions that deliver highly relevant and engaging content to users based on their online search behavior. This unique approach helps advertisers connect with their desired audience more effectively. The company's proprietary technology combines data-driven insights with real-time bidding capabilities to provide personalized, high-performance campaigns across multiple devices and channels. Their platform supports a wide range of formats, including display, mobile, native, and video, ensuring that advertisers can reach their target audience with the most impactful ad units. With a strong commitment to transparency, innovation, and excellence, Nano Interactive boasts an impressive client list that includes major brands like Vodafone, Nestle, and BMW. Their skilled team of ad tech professionals is dedicated to providing exceptional service and support to help clients achieve the best possible results from their advertising efforts. By leveraging the power of search data, Nano Interactive is revolutionizing the digital advertising landscape and delivering outstanding results for advertisers and publishers alike.