Programmatic Media Consulting

Programmatic Media Consulting is a marketing and advertising firm based in Los Angeles, California, USA. Their services focus on assisting marketers and publishers in expanding their programmatic business by providing valuable knowledge and expertise.Claim this workspace
Claim this workspaceProgrammatic Media Consulting is a marketing and advertising firm based in Los Angeles, California, USA. Their services focus on assisting marketers and publishers in expanding their programmatic business by providing valuable knowledge and expertise.

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United States

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marketing & advertising




About Company

Programmatic Media Consulting is a company specialized in offering services related to digital marketing, programmatic advertising, and the optimization of media investment. They help businesses, agencies, and advertisers to make the most of their digital advertising strategies by leveraging data, technology, and analytics. The company primarily focuses on three core areas - programmatic consultancy, training, and outsourced services. In programmatic consultancy, they assist clients in creating and implementing strong programmatic strategies, addressing key challenges like targeting, viewability, and fraud. They provide customized training courses, designed to meet the unique needs of each client on various programmatic advertising topics, ensuring the team stays well-informed and skilled. Programmatic Media Consulting also offers outsourced services, where they manage clients' programmatic advertising campaigns, utilizing their industry knowledge and expertise to deliver effective results. The company's diverse team includes professionals with backgrounds in digital marketing, media strategy, and technical architecture. They pride themselves on delivering high-quality services based on insights gathered from real-world experiences, ensuring their clients' goals are achieved successfully. By partnering with Programmatic Media Consulting, businesses and agencies can gain a competitive advantage in the ever-expanding digital landscape, as the company's expertise allows clients to maximize their media investments while minimizing risks associated with programmatic advertising.